Jun 14, 2010

Homo sapien...

 The man stepped out,into the dim-lit corridor.His face puckered in a frail attempt to dam in the relish.Yeah, he laughed then,muted laughs,at the foolishness of the girls these days.He laughed ,ignoring the dense stench of fresh lacquer, emanating from the aesthetic doors of the luxury blended hotel.


Cursing the dark shiny brownness of the doors,a pair of well-polished shoes walked away,like the stench of the lacquer,a man's shadow diffused into the darkness of the night.

 The door snapped.


The girl,with a sly smile up her face , looked again at her ELISA test results and slithered it into her bag ,this time without the smidge of a shock.


1 comment:

  1. You have captured it all in very few words..This is amazing..Especially the way you concluded...Happy blogging..


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